About Me- Jennilee

Before baby came!

Novemeber 4, 2011

                Well, if you are reading my blog then you probably already know me. But I thought this would be a good place to update everyone on what's new in MY life with work, home, and invloving, of course, Dan, Maverick, and Onyx.

               Therefore, what's going on with me is that I am a new partially sleep deprived mom. I am back at work full time. I work three 12 hour night shifts in a row each week. Ugh! THANK GOD for family who have been such a big help watching Mav, especially Mariam, who stays the night sometimes AND the day so that I can get some sleep too. I was able to slowly work my way back to full time during the month of October. Work is going well. It is becoming the slow season, which I don't mind being sent home early :) I missed my co-workers and it's been nice catching up with them and bragging about my new adorable son.

               Dan and I are doing well. It has definitely been an adjustment for our marriage- becoming parents. It doesn't help that as soon as Maverick was born, his work load was increased and his hours changed from an 8 to 5 job to whenever the work is done, sort of thing.  Except for the week after Mav was born that Dan was off, he has been going into work early and coming home later. For a while there, it seemed that Dan never got to see his son, as Mav would be fussy and just about to go down for the night when Dan would get home. But now, things are getting better (or I'm just getting more used to it).  Maverick seems to know who his parents are now and is becoming a happier baby, especially with his Dad. So things are getting a lot easier and better around the house hold. Dan is such a great Dad (I always knew he would be). We are both learning how to be parents and were enjoying every minute with our baby boy.

I am loving my new life as a mom. Maverick makes my heart melt every day, and seeing how Dan is with our child makes me love him more each day also.